Normal Eater, Emotional Eater, or Food Addict? Which type are You?

Three Types of Eaters

Normal Eater, Emotional Eater, or Food Addict? Which are you?

See the article below, including the chart with similarities and differences. You cannot successfully tackle your weight and health issues until you are brutally honest with yourself and then know that you DO have the power to make a positive change with the right mindset, resources, and by God’s grace. Knowing this and understanding why some can just adopt a WFPB diet and be successful right away and long term and why others struggle and yo-yo UNTIL they understand and deal with emotional and addictive eating and abstain from trigger foods (sugar, oil, salt, alcohol if you’re still drinking, flours—even whole grain flours for many, etc.) is the key to success. Don’t let fear of “giving up” certain foods keep you from ACHIEVING health, wellness, and fitness.

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