Holistic health and wellness

🌹”You can’t force a rosebud to blossom by hitting it with a hammer.”
Rachel Naomi Remend, MD
I’ve embarked on a new journey which includes studying to be a holistic health coach. I am excited and I will be very busy (I’m working part time teaching this school year and now studying for this certificate program) so I may not be posting much except to share some of what I am learning and working at living out myself. I just completed the first module and one of the best quotes in it was this one above. I want to become the type of coach who can support with hope, compassion, and education and Not judgement and dictating. Ultimately, we are all unique and we know what we need to thrive physically, mentally, and spiritually. It’s not all about the food and in fact it is more about what is OFF the plate that will inform what goes ON the plate.
To health, healing, happiness, and hope!❤️🙏🏾

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